well what can i say?
it wasn't much point of this new shop really because all the clothes are hideously old an look like some picked them up from the salvation-army's-clothes-bin and gave tried to fool people that its "thee" thing that will giver your next big outfit perfection!
and its a rip of because most of the stuff is superstars but there's nothing "wow" or "i MUST have that NOW" sort of stuff there, and the color sceme just makes me wanna go *puke*
i mean half the stuff even your nana would wear and the other half you wouldn't even dress up the dead in!
we have all seen what wounderful stardoll.com can come up with like khols, its was BIG hit and we were all sad to see it go,
so if stardoll can come up with khols why couldn't they made decades more better, cheaper and something we would LIKE to wear?
ps: dont feel affended about what i said (you know, if you like decades) because no one should be the same and if you DO like decades, i'm not the person here tryin' to stop you!